வெள்ளி, 28 ஜனவரி, 2011

இலங்கைச் சரித்திர சூசனம்:

இலங்கை 1883க்கு முதல் எப்படி இருந்தது என்பதை அறிய இதை முழுவதும் 
படியுங்கள்.இன்றைய இலங்கைக்கும் 1883க்கு முதல் இருந்த இலங்கையையும் 
உற்று நோக்கிப் பாருங்கள்.


The appearance of an Epitome of the History of Ceylon in the Tamil Language is very auspicious and quite oportune.
Mr.A.Mootootamby Pillai of Manipay in Jaffna.has made extensive researches, into all available ancient and modern works 
or the subject and has summed up genuine information in this small compass.The correctness of chronology and history.
as well as the beauty of the style of  language in which they are clothed, are worthy of commendation.I do not hesitate to
recommend this book for the use of pupils in our Schools.

If the author would take some more pains and make the book a little more elaborate, it cannot, but be counted one among 
modern Tamil Classics.    

Moolay, 8th, Sept,1883.

From L.Mannuel Esq.
Sub-Asst.Inspector of Schools.

The History of Ceylon,in Tamil by Mr. A.Mootootamby Pillay,Editer of the "Sathiabbimaanie" supplies 
a want longfelt in our Schools.The Compiler is a Scholar of some reputation,and a writer  of much
experience, He has consulted the best writers on Ceylon --Tennent,Furguson,Cassie Chetty and
Turnour. The work is clear in arrangement; and its style is worthy of imitation by our youths.It is 
thus specially designed for schools,and I have much pleasure in recommending it to students in 
middle and Training Schools, and Candidates desirous of qualifying themselves for Teachers' Certificates. 


Jaffna,15th Sept.1883.

Prof.of Vernacular Literature.
Jaffna College And Editor, Morning Star.

From a careful and brief perusal and examination of Mr.A.Mootootamby Pillay's Epitome of Ceylon History.
I am prepared to express my opinion that the work is well designed and executed,and will dully supply the want that is felt and exists in the Vernacular schools.The author, it seems, has spared  no pains to execute the work in such a way as to 
Please the students as well as the general readers. The style is neat, simple,commanding  and animating; expressions 
are rich,forcible and enlivening. The plan of the work is what it should be --abundance of materials compressed 
into a small compass.The size of the work is such that the vast majority of the  Tamil  students can    easily afford 
to purchase.To be brief, I am  disposed  to say that the work  is in  every respect  worth the patronage of   the public. 

Manipay,15th  Sept, 1883.

Head Master,Wes.Central Collegiate
Institution, Jaffna.

The History of a people proposes to give prominently an account of their thoughts, words
and deeds, as they are exhibited mainly in public life.The Historian, properly so called,
assumes and perhaps claims to himself the privileged gift of ascertaining as facts the things 
he has been recording.

The facts thus recorded deserve the attention and study of the rising generation only 
when they tend to cultivate upon their welfare.

We have reason to believe that Mr.A Mootootamby Pillay had these and smilar thoughts 
in view, in  the preparation of his Lanka Charitira Suchanam, and we recommend the 
work  to the Tamil public.Tamil scholars will certainly  find in it  valuable information closely 
connected with the ancient Tamils  of India and Ceylon.
     Jaffna,19th Sept. 1883.


The long felt want of a history of our island in Tamil is worthily supplied by Mr.A.Mootootamby's
Epitome of the History of Ceylon. as a text book in history for  Vernacular Schools, it will be found to be a very useful work. containing as it does, much information in a little space;
while the simplicity and conciseness of the style render it a valuable acquisition to the prose 
literature of our language.

Alevetty,25th Sept. 1883.

Editor,Catholic Guardian.

I have perused with pleasure the Epitome of Ceylon History written for the use of Vernacular
Schools by Mr. Mootootamby of Manipay, the Editor of the Karical Sathiabbimani, and I am
happy to state that the work is generally interesting being written  throughout  in an elegant  and
agreeable style.The appendix given at the end will be of great use to students.Mr.mootootamby
has on the whole done his work well as it admirably adapted to exhibit the whole of the History
of Ceylon within a short Compass.

V,Francis Thamboo.
Jaffna Town,15thSpet.1883.


This little manual on the History of Ceylon by Mr A.Mootootamby Pillay of Manipay,sheets of which
 were sent for my perusal  as they  issued  from the press has special features which can not fail to
 commend themselves to the public generally. There is sufficient matter. Methodically given
to meet the requirements of Tamil schools. The style  of writing is engaging  and evinces  a refined taste
combined  with considerable freshness  and vigor. The writer is entitled to the praise of entire freedom
from prejudice and partiality --the chief title to public  approbation in the compiler of a historical
manual. Altogether I look upon the work as a valuable contribution to the School literature of the Island
which is just forming under the influence of the Revised Code.In saying all this I hope I do not commit
myself  to any expression of opinion as to the acceptability of the work in the case of denominational
James H.Martyn.  
Jaffna,18th Sept.1883.

Late Teacher,Batticotta High School.

I have carefully  read the Epitome of the Tamil History of Ceylon by Mr.A.Mootootamby Pillay and
am of opinion that the work contains in a small compass much valuable  and useful information and is
characterised  throughout   with the highest graces of brevity, purity and simplicity of style. The
author has certainly conferred a lasting  benefit  upon the youth of the country by  supplying  a long
-felt desideratum and such as desire to gain a knowledge of the history of the Island will do well
to possess the compendium.

E.Spaulding Esq

Manipay, 18th Sept.1883.