வெள்ளி, 25 பிப்ரவரி, 2011

மைக்ரோசொப்ட் அறிமுகப் படுத்தியுள்ள பொது எழுத்துப் பலகை விரைவுச் சுட்டிகள்

மைக்ரோசொப்ட் அறிமுகப் படுத்தியுள்ள பொது எழுத்துப் பலகை விரைவுச் சுட்டிகள்,உங்கள் நேரத்தையும்,கனணி பாவிப்பதையும்,சுருக்கிக் கொள்ளலாம்,எல்லோருக்கும் விளங்கக் கூடிய'இலகு ஆங்கிலத்தில். 

General keyboard shortcuts

Use this shortcut
Open Help
Press F1.
Select all content in a document, window, or text box
Press Ctrl+A.
Search for a file or folder
Press F3. In Windows 7, you can also press the Windows logo key to open theStart menu and then type in the Searchbox.
Rename a file or folder
Select the file or folder, press F2, and then retype the name.
Find out when the file or folder was created, by whom, and how big it is
Select the file, and then press Alt+Enter.
Display the Start menu
Press Ctrl+Esc. In Windows 7, you can also press the Windows logo key.
Scroll between open windows
Press Alt+Tab, and then hold down Alt while pressing Tab to reach the desired file or program.
Undo an action
Press Ctrl+Z.
Redo an action
Press Ctrl+Y.
Check the spelling of titles or words in any Office application with the Spelling & Grammar checker
Press F7.
Create a shortcut on your desktop to your favorite file or folder
In Windows 7: Right-click the file or folder. On the shortcut menu, clickSend to, and then click Desktop (Create shortcut).
In Windows Vista: Right-click the file or folder. On the shortcut menu, clickCreate Shortcut. Drag the new shortcut to your desktop.
Capture a screen shot
Press Alt+Print Screen, and then press Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste.
Lock the computer, switch users, log off the computer, change a password, start Task Manager
In Windows 7, press Ctrl+Alt+Delete.
Lock the computer
Press the Windows logo key+L.
Quit program
Press Alt+F4.

Working with Microsoft Word

Use this shortcut
Select text
Press Shift+Right Arrow, Left Arrow, Up Arrow, or Down Arrow to highlight text. To select one word at a time, press Shift+Ctrl+Arrow. To select to the end of the line, press Shift+End.
Copy selected text
Press Ctrl+C.
Cut selected text
Press Ctrl+X.
Paste selected text
Press Ctrl+V.
Bold text
Press Ctrl+B.
Search for text in a document
Press Ctrl+F.
Find and replace text in a document
Press Ctrl+H.
Got to a page, line, or bookmark in a document
Press Ctrl+G.
Italicize text
Press Ctrl+I.
Underline text
Press Ctrl+U.
Subscript text
Press Ctrl+equal sign (=).
Superscript text
Press Ctrl+plus sign (+).
Center text
Press Ctrl+E.
Align text left
Press Ctrl+L.
Align text right
Press Ctrl+R.
Justify text
Press Ctrl+J.
Decrease the font size
Press Ctrl+Shift+less than sign (<). If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can also press Ctrl and scroll down.
Increase the font size
Press Ctrl+Shift+greater than sign (>). If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can also press Ctrl and scroll up.
Change the font
Press CTRL+SHIFT+F, and then use the arrow keys to reach the new font.
Change font size
Press Ctrl+Shift+P, and then use the arrow keys to reach the new font size. If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can also press Ctrl and scroll up or down.
Create a page break
Press Ctrl+Enter.
Create a new document
Press Ctrl+N.
Open the My Documents window
Press Ctrl+O.
Close a document
Press Ctrl+W.
Save a document
Press Ctrl+S.
Print a document
Press CTRL+P.
Preview what you're about to print
Press ALT+Ctrl+I. In Windows 7, this keyboard shortcut opens the integrated Print and Preview window, which you can also access by pressing Ctrl+P.
Resize a shape (Office 2010)
Select the shape, and then press Shift+Arrow.
Rotate a shape (Office 2010)
Select the shape, and then hold the Alt key while you press the Left Arrow key or the Right Arrow key.

Accelerating Microsoft Excel

Use this shortcut
Open a new workbook
Press Ctrl+N.
Move left to right, cell by cell
Press Tab, or press the Right Arrow key.
Move right to left, cell by cell
Press Shift+Tab, or press the Left Arrow key.
Move down, cell by cell
Press Enter, or press the Down Arrow key.
Move up, cell by cell
Press Shift+Enter, or press the Up Arrow key.
Move down or up to the last empty or non-empty cell
Press Ctrl+Shift+Down Arrow or Up Arrow.
Move to the last empty or non-empty cell to the right or left
Press Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow or Left Arrow.
Erase data in the current cell
Press Backspace.
Insert a return within a cell
Press Alt+Enter.
Return to the beginning of the row
Press HOME.
Advance to the next worksheet
Ctrl+Page Down
Go to the previous worksheet
Ctrl+Page Up
Enter the date
Press Ctrl+Semicolon (;).
Enter the time
Press Ctrl+Shift+Colon (:).
Find out about the style within the cell
Press Alt+Apostrophe (‘).
Display the Format Cells dialog box
Press Ctrl+1.
Apply the general number format
Press Ctrl+Shift+Tilde (~).
Apply the currency number format
Press Ctrl+Shift+Dollar Sign ($).
Apply the percentage number format
Press Ctrl+Shift+Percent (%).
Apply a border
Press Ctrl+Shift+Ampersand (&).
Remove a border
Press Ctrl+Shift+ underscore (_).
Hide the selected columns
Press Ctrl+0 (zero).
Hide the selected rows
Press Ctrl+9.
Unhide hidden rows within a selection
Press Ctrl+Shift+opening parenthesis.

Expediting Internet Explorer

Use this shortcut
Add sites to your Favorites
  1. Go to the site.
  2. Press Ctrl+D to add to your Favorites.
  3. Click Favorites, and then, to create a separate folder for the site or to add it to an already-formed list, click Add to Favorites.
Select a home page
  1. Go to the webpage that you would like to make your home page.
  2. Open the Tools menu, and selectInternet Options.
  3. Under Home page, on theGeneral tab, click Use Current.
Use the History function if you visit a few select sites constantly
  1. Press Ctrl+H to open the History pane.
  2. Select the site that you would like, right-click the site, and then selectAdd to Favorites.
Customize your toolbar to the tools you use most frequently
  1. Right-click the command bar.
  2. Point to Customize.
  3. Click Add or Remove Commands.
Go to your home page
Press Alt+Home.
Switch between tabs
Press Ctrl+Tab.
Move forward through the items on a webpage or the Address bar
Press Tab.
Move back through the items on a webpage or the Address bar
Press Shift+Tab.
Find on this page
Press Ctrl+F.
Stop downloading a page
Press Esc.
Use zoom on a webpage
Increase zoom (+ 10%): Press Ctrl+plus sign (+).
Decrease zoom (- 10%): Press Ctrl+minus sign (-).
Increase to 100%: Press Ctrl+0.

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